Debt consolidation is also termed credit consolidation and it is a method for merging several debts into one lower-interest debt. This is many times done when you have incurred several high-interest debts such as credit card bills and personal loans. Debt consolidation will lower the monthly payments partially by raising the time for repayment. It …
What Are Factors That Can Hurt My Credit Score?
Not every country has a credit score rating for its citizens, but the United States does. In the United States, having a good credit score can be just as important as having cash in the bank. Your credit score is one of the most important factors when it comes to getting loans, rental agreement leases, …
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How To Improve Your Credit Score After Filing Bankruptcy
Improving your credit score and maintaining financial freedom after filing bankruptcy is possible. You need to take a few steps after filing bankruptcy. Your credit score is bound to be at its lowest if you had filed for bankruptcy recently. While taking such steps, some debts remain unpaid or partially repaid. Thus, such occurrence directly …
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Things That Can Hurt Your Credit Score
Sometimes you may have made huge purchases such as vehicles and homes and realized the importance of credit score in the lending decision. This is also significant during an opening of a credit card account. Any time when you apply for some kind of credit your credit score and other info contained within the credit …
Credit Score And Financial Recovery After Divorce
In case your life happened to be a fairy tale all marriages would have lasted for a long time. All couples would have spent their lives sharing love and co-existing on all matters including those related to finance. However, the reality is not always such and it is not kind many times with many marriages …
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Credit Repair Hacks For Improving Your Credit Score
One of the more significant things you need to comprehend while undertaking your credit repair is that it doesn’t matter how daunting it may appear, it is possible. It is also a lot more straightforward than you would have envisaged. There are a few credit repair hacks you need to be aware of that will …
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5 Sneaky Ways To Improve Credit Score
Having the best credit score can be highly beneficial at times. It could be for refinancing your mortgage, getting approval for your new credit card, etc. There are several other reasons why having a good credit score is important for you. Improving credit score can take time but if you are looking for ways that …
Credit Repair: Steps To Take And Mistakes To Avoid
Scam /skam/ noun informal 1. a dishonest scheme; a fraud. “an insurance scam” synonyms: fraud, swindle, racket, trick verb 2. swindle. “a guy that scams the elderly out of their savings” synonyms: swindle, cheat, deceive, trick, dupe, hoodwink, double-cross (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) The warnings are all out there – on the internet, in Public Service Announcements (“PSA’s”), …
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Caveat Emptor – noun the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made. Caveat Emptor – in language that even a layman should be able to understand, the principle of “let the buyer beware” is a sensible watchword regarding any purchase – substantial or …