In order to understand and appreciate the benefits of repairing one’s credit, it is imperative to understand the credit score and its significance in the steps one must take to repair credit damaged by bankruptcy, foreclosure, repossession, and other factors. According to Wikipedia: A credit score is a numerical expression, based on a level analysis …

How Does Bankruptcy Affect My Credit Score?

There is no questioning that filing for bankruptcy is something that can have all sorts of impact on your life. For instance, it’s a major life decision that might affect your employment opportunities, where you can live and might even affect your relationships with others. Quite clearly, it might be a full-on life-changing event. It …

Best Car Loan

Best car loan interest rates are offered to consumers with the highest credit scores. While this is common knowledge, there are several things a consumer can do to ensure they get the best value despite the interest rate on their car loan. Checking their credit score before shopping for a car, attempting to prequalify for …