Having the best credit score can be highly beneficial at times. It could be for refinancing your mortgage, getting approval for your new credit card, etc. There are several other reasons why having a good credit score is important for you. Improving credit score can take time but if you are looking for ways that …
Credit Repair – Or – Bankruptcy?
“To file, or not to file? … THAT is A question.” That is a question that thousands of debt-burdened debtors ask on an annual basis: “Should I file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?” Another question often asked is: “What are the alternatives to filing for bankruptcy?” And: “If any”? This writer is of the belief that …
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Shuts Down California Company for Deceptive Practices
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is the agency responsible for policing the actions of those in the credit industry. An investigation by the CFPB may be into the actions of a creditor who has not fulfilled their obligations to report a debt correctly to the consumer reporting agencies. Just as like a scenario would be …