How To Improve Your Credit Score After Filing Bankruptcy

Improving your credit score and maintaining financial freedom after filing bankruptcy is possible. You need to take a few steps after filing bankruptcy. Your credit score is bound to be at its lowest if you had filed for bankruptcy recently. While taking such steps, some debts remain unpaid or partially repaid. Thus, such occurrence directly …

Free Credit Report

When was the last time that you checked your credit score? Do you know if your credit score is good or bad? In America, having good credit is just as important as having cash in the bank. Without good credit it can be very difficult for you to get approved to take out loans for …


In order to understand and appreciate the benefits of repairing one’s credit, it is imperative to understand the credit score and its significance in the steps one must take to repair credit damaged by bankruptcy, foreclosure, repossession, and other factors. According to Wikipedia: A credit score is a numerical expression, based on a level analysis …